The hugely anticipated first book from the TED Talks star and advertising legend
Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy UK and the founder of the behavioural science practice. He writes the Spectator's 'Wiki Man' column, presents series for BBC Radio 4, serves on the advisory board of The Evolution Institute, and is former President of the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising). The IDM (Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing) awarded Sutherland an Honorary Life Fellowship. His TED talks have over 6.5 million views. He authored a collection of blog posts, interviews, tweets and reference materials, The Wiki-Man, in 2011, and his first book Alchemy was published in 2019.
This is a breakthrough book: Mother Reality makes sense in her own
way. She yields her secrets to practitioners, almost never to
academics - something psychologists, economists and non-skin in the
game people, no matter what they say, are functionally unable to
grasp. And the book is funny as hell: I smiled and laughed at every
Furthermore, this is the first such treatise written by someone who
had true contact with reality via something called a P/L.
And this is wonderfully applicable to about everything in life,
from how to announce airplane delays to how to handle unsold opera
Buy two copies of this book in case one is stolen.
*Nassim Nicholas Taleb, scholar and former trader; author of the
Revelatory and entertaining
*The Sunday Times*
Reading Alchemy was, as its title promised, the process of turning
paper and print into gold. Veins of wisdom regarding human
functioning emerge regularly and brilliantly from the pages. Don't
miss this book.
*Robert Cialdini, bestselling author of Influence, Yes!, The Small
BIG and Pre-suasion*
Deeply original
*Robert Trivers, evolutionary biologist and author of Deceit and
Sutherland’s book touches on many facets of life, but all come down
to the importance of “psycho-logic”, or non-rational factors, in
how we make decisions and how problems can be solved
*CAMPAIGN magazine*
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