1. The Game Begins. 1.1. In Plain Sight. 1.2. Working Backwards. 1.3. A Walk-Off. 1.4. An Imperfect Game. 1.5. The Five-Run Inning. 1.6. Casey At the Bat. 2. Historical Mysteries. 2.1. Substitutions. 2.2. Crazy Things Happen. 2.3. The Game-Winning RBI. 2.4 Number 299. 2.5. Number 400. 2.6. Who Scored When. 2.7. Earning and Unearning. 3. Steady Games. 3.1. A Steady Game. 3.2. Another Steady Game. 3.3. A Steady Double. 3.4. Cicioneddos. 3.5. Maltagliatti. 3.6. Lucca. 4. Secrets of the Past. 4.1. Ancient Rivalry. 4.2. Double Switches. 4.3. Switch Central. 4.4. A World Series Game. 4.5. The Other Side of The World. 4.6. Leary’s Bad Day. 5. Puzzles as Art. 5.1. Never Out, Never In. 5.2. Double Plays. 5.3. Mistakes Were Made. 5.4. The Two Rods. 5.5. The Guy Who Did It All. 5.6. Scraps. 6. Baseball Archaelogy. 6.1. At the Dawn of Time. 6.2. Later that Day. 6.3. Ancient History. 6.4. Baseball at War. 6.5. Twins Fall Short in Slugfest. 6.6. In Scoring Position. 7. More Puzzling Art. 7.1. Just Totals. 7.2 Two Guys. 7.3. Smedley. 7.4. Everybody Scores a Run. 7.5. Castro Homers in the First. 7.6. Brown Homers in the First. 7.7. Leftovers. 8. Missing Information. 8.1. Four Players Missing. 8.2. Four Missing, Again. 8.3. Six Missing. 8.4. Five Missing. 8.5. Who Won? 8.6. Sad Story. 9. Little League Games. 9.1. Kids’ Stuff. 9.2. Kids will be Kids. 9.3. Macy at the Bat. 9.4. It’s an ERG. 9.5. Zhang and Li. 9.6. Li and Zhang. 9.7. Extreme ERGs. 9.8. Advanced Ergonomics. 10. The Final Problem. 10.1. Child’s Play. 10.2. Pitching In. 10.3. Team Spirit. 10.4. Three Odd Men. 10.5. The Muskrats’ Pitching. 10.6. The Hornet’s Batting. 10.7. The Muskrats’ Batting. Hints. Solutions. Crazy Things that don’t happen in this Book.
Jerry Butters has a BA in mathematics from Oberlin College, and an MS in mathematics and a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. He taught mathematics for two years at Mindanao State University in the Philippines as a Peace Corps volunteer. He taught economics for five years at Princeton University. For most of his career, he worked on consumer protection cases and policy issues at the Federal Trade Commission. In his retirement, he has become a piano teacher and performer. He enjoys hobbies ranging from reading Chinese to practicing Taiji. This book is an outgrowth of another of his hobbies - his love of designing and solving puzzles of all sorts.
Jim Henle has a BA in mathematics from Dartmouth College and a PhD from M.I.T. He taught for two years at U. P. Baguio in the Philippines as a Peace Corps volunteer, two years at a middle school as alternative service, and 42 years at Smith College. His research is primarily in logic and set theory, with additional papers in geometry, graph theory, number theory, games, economics, and music. He edited columns for The Mathematical Intelligencer. He authored or co-authored five books. His most recent book, The Proof and the Pudding, compares mathematics and gastronomy. He has collaborated with Jerry on puzzle papers and chamber music concerts.
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