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Brave Men


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Collection of 1943 - 1944 European from-the-front World War II newspaper columns by celebrated journalist Ernie Pyle

About the Author

Ernie Pyle worked as managing editor of the Washington News and later became a roving journalist for Scripps Howard Newspapers. After many years following the fighting in Europe, Pyle traveled to the South Pacific, where a sniper's bullet took his life in 1945. G. Kurt Piehler is an assistant professor of history at the University of Tennessee and the author of Remembering War the American Way.


"Brave Men is a collection of journalist Pyle's newspaper columns from 1943 and 1944, in which he details the fighting in Europe primarily from the perspective of the common U.S. G.I. This angle of reporting brought the front-line war back to the families of those serving in the armed forces and endeared Pyle to the troops. An essential piece of Americana for all collections."—Library Journal

"In his fine introduction to this new edition, G. Kurt Piehler (History/Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville) celebrates Pyle's 'dense, descriptive style' and his unusual feel for the quotidian GI experience—a personal and human side to war left out of reporting on generals and their strategies. . . . Kirkus, at the time [of the original edition in 1944], noted the hoopla over Pyle (Pulitzer, hugely popular syndicated column, BOMC hype) and decided it was all worth it: 'the book doesn't let the reader down.' Pyle, of course, captures 'the human qualities' of men in combat, but he also provides 'an extraordinary sense of the scope of the European war fronts, the variety of services involved, the men and their officers.' . . . [A] classic of modern journalism."—Kirkus Reviews

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