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A Concise History of Christian Thought


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Table of Contents

Part 1: The Church of the Fathers to AD 500

Platonism and Greek Philosophy

Apostolic Fathers

Justin Martyr



Clement of Alexandria



Eusebius of Caesarea

Council of Nicea (325)


Ephrem the Syrian

Cyril of Jerusalem

Cappadocian Fathers

Council of Constantinople (381)


John Chrysostom



Cyril of Alexandria

Council of Ephesus (431)

Theodoret of Cyrus

Leo the Great

Council of Chalcedon (451)

Apostles' Creed


Part 2: The Eastern Tradition

Dionysius the Areopagite

Council of Constantinople (553)

Maximus the Confessor

Council of Constantinople (680-81)

John of Damascus

Council of Nicea (787)

Simeon the New Theologian

Gregory Palamas

Confession of Dositheus (1672)

Vladimir Lossky


Part 3: The Medieval West

Athanasian Creed


Council of Orange (529)


Gregory the Great

John Scotus Erigena


Peter Abelard

Bernard of Clairvaux

Peter Lombard

Joachim of Fiore

Fourth Lateran Council (1215)

Francis of Assisi


Thomas Aquinas

John Duns Scotus

William of Ockham

Thomas Bradwardine

John Tauler

Catherine of Siena

John Wyclif

Jan Hus

Council of Florence (1438-45)

Thomas à Kempis

Gabriel Biel


Part 4: Reformation and Reaction

Desiderius Erasmus


The Lutheran Tradition

Martin Luther

Philip Melanchthon

Augsburg Confession (1530)

Formula of Concord (1577)

Philip Jakob Spener


The Reformed Tradition

Ulrich Zwingli

Martin Bucer

John Calvin

Heinrich Bullinger

Heidelberg Catechism (1563)

Jakob Arminius

Synod of Dort (1618-19)

Jonathan Edwards


The Anabaptists

Schleitheim Confession (1527)

Menno Simons


The British Reformation

William Tyndale

Thomas Cranmer

John Knox

Thirty-Nine Articles

Richard Hooker

William Perkins

Westminster Confession

John Owen

Richard Baxter

Second London Confession (1677)

John Bunyan

John and Charles Wesley


The Roman Catholic Response

Gasparo Contarini

Ignatius Loyola

Council of Trent (1545-63)

Teresa of Avila

John of the Cross

Robert Bellarmine

Blaise Pascal


Part 5: Christian Thought in the Modern World


The Liberal Tradition

F. D. Schleiermacher

Albrecht Ritschl

Adolf von Harnack

Rudolf Bultmann

Paul Tillich

John Hick


The Evangelicals

Charles Finney

B. B. Warfield

G. C. Berkouwer

John Stott

Lausanne Congress


The New Orthodoxy

Søren Kierkegaard

P. T. Forsyth

Karl Barth

Gustaf Aulén

Barmen Declaration (1934)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Reinhold Niebuhr

Jürgen Moltmann

Wolfhart Pannenberg

Other Developments

Process Theology

Kosuke Koyama

John Mbiti

George Lindbeck


The Roman Catholics

John Henry Newman

Ineffabilis Deus (1854)

First Vatican Council (1869-70)

Munificentissimus Deus (1950)

Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

Karl Rahner

Hans Küng

von Balthasar

Gustavo Gutiérrez


About the Author

Tony Lane is Professor of Historical Theology and Director of research at the London School of Theology (formerly LBC) and author of Justification by Faith in Catholic-Protestant Dialogue (T&T Clark, 2002) and The Lion Christian Classics Collection (2004).


'Moves just fast enough to be interesting and just slow enough to be accurate' -- Strait Magazine

'This is a book which will prove exceptionally useful, not only to students, but to all those Christians...who know many of the names of the great Christian thinkers of past and present, but, in many cases, have only the vaguest impression of what they actually thought. Here they can find a succinct, accurate, readily intelligible and interesting account of the thought of Cyril of Alexandria, John Wyclif, Jonathan Edwards, Reinhold Niebuhr, Hans Küng, and 113 others, mostly individual theologians, but including also some creeds, confessions and councils. Each period has a brief scene-setting introduction, and each thinker is not only described but also quoted - a valuable feature because even a brief paragraph gives the reader something of the 'flavour' of the man's work'-- Richard Bauckham, Professor of New Testament, St Andrews University, Scotland, in Third Way.

'This comprehensive survey, completely revised and expanded, offers an ideal introduction to the thinkers and writers who have shaped Christian history and Western culture, as well as providing an insight into their major works.' Publishing News
*Blurb from reviewer*

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