DAVID THOMSON is a regular contributor to The Guardian, The Independent, The New York Times, Movieline, The New Republic, and Salon. He lives in San Francisco.
"America has given the world Emily Dickinson, "Moby-Dick," jazz,
Faulkner, Hollywood, rock 'n' roll, and this book." --Michael
Robbins, Chicago Tribune
"The best book on the movies ever written in English." —The New
“Thomson proves anew that he is irreplaceable . . . His monologue
has blossomed into an unlikely, searching dialogue about what to
value in the movies—how to love what’s come before without
nostalgia, and how to find the courage to demand more from the
stuff being made right now . . . Deservedly treasured . . . One of
the most probing accounts ever written of a human being’s
engagement with the movies.” —Sarah Kerr, The New York Times
Book Review
“Delicious. One of the best and most useful books written about the
movies.” —Edward Guthmann, San Francisco Chronicle
“The Dictionary is not only an indispensable book about
cinema, but one of the most absurdly ambitious literary
achievements of our time.” —Geoff Dyer, Sight &
“A marvel . . . Eccentric, audacious, sparkling . . . Probably the
greatest living film critic and historian, Thomson writes the most
fun and enthralling prose about the movies since Pauline Kael.”
—Benjamin Schwarz, The Atlantic
“From Abbott and Costello to Crumb’s Terry Zwigoff, David
Thomson expertly caters the banquet of film history in the latest
edition of this classic. One critics’ poll called it the best movie
book ever; it also has some of the finest, orneriest writing in the
English language.”
“Truly, maddeningly, gloriously subjective . . . Buy this book for
a friend, and bask in the pleasure of knowing that you have
incalculably enriched his life. Buy it for yourself, and book some
quality time with one of the finest writers the story of film has
ever had.”
—Saul Austerlitz, San Francisco Chronicle
“[A] mad and magnificent opus . . . Thomson is a great rhapsodist
of how film acts on his, and therefore our, imagination. . . .
Close viewing, and the insights that spring from rapt attention,
are what Thomson’s criticism is all about. Despite its seemingly
straitlaced A-to-Z format, the ‘Dictionary’ is oddball and
Borgesian, finding imaginative ecstasy in its encyclopedic
tendency. The book crackles with epigram while often reaching for
meanings that endow familiar subjects with a new reality. . . .
It’s an essential, loony, irresistible book, and scarcely a week
passes when I don’t submerge myself for an hour or two in its
labyrinthine marvels.”
—Richard Rayner, Los Angeles Times
“Essential . . . Razor-sharp reviews are often commentaries on both
the filmmaker and the audience. . . . We’re always aware that we’re
engaging with a passionate educated human being. Isn’t that more
interesting and rewarding than marketing-driven Netflix summaries?
Great critics are cinema’s most inspiring enthusiasts. Four
—Jeffrey Overstreet, Books & Culture
“Witty, expasive, convincing, honest, more than a little
mischievous and, so often, absolutely on the money. Thomson’s voice
is one of the most distinctive and enjoyable in film criticism. It
leaps from the pages of this spruced up classic like flames from a
bonfire. . . . Almost every page contains at least one unexpected
nugget of information that you would struggle to come across by any
other means. . . . However, the real value of this book lies not in
facts, but in opinions. Thomson’s views are so shrewd, so
exquisitely stated that, more often than not, they feel like
thoughts you already held but were never quite sure how to put into
words. . . In a world awash with amateur pundits, the value
of a genuine expert who knows his own mind has never been higher. .
. . Dip into any entry and you will find irrefutable proof that his
gaze remains as sharp as ever. For as long as there are films worth
writing about, Thomson’s opinions will remain worth reading.”
—Benjamin Secher, The Telegraph
“The newest edition of David Thomson’s New Biographical
Dictionary of Film is 1,076 pages long. It weighs a ton. And
yet, it’s almost impossible to put down.”
—The New York Observer
“Invaluable and occasionally
—Steven Rea, The Kansas City Star
“Skip the movie; read David Thomson instead. Addictive . . . his
landmark work. You’ll see how erudite, generous, cheeky, elegant
and fascinating Thomson’s writing is. Take any entry and it’s
impossible not to want to read to the finish.” —Kyle
Smith, New York Post
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