List of illustrations, Preface to the first edition, Preface to the second edition, 1 The tablets: An edition and translation, Concordance, 2 A history of scholarship on the tablets, 3 The myth of Dionysus, 4 The eschatology behind the tablets, 5 Dionysiac mystery cults and the Gold Tablets, 6 Orpheus, his poetry, and sacred texts, Appendix 1: Orphism in the twenty-first century, Appendix 2: The tablets from Pherae, Appendix 3: The tablets from Roman Palestine, Appendix 4: Additional Bacchic texts, 1 The Olbia bone tablets, 2 Bacchic inscriptions from Olbia, 3 The Gurôb Papyrus, 4 The Edict of Ptolemy IV Philopator, Notes, Bibliography, Subject index, Index of ancient texts
Graf, Fritz; Johnston, Sarah; Graf, Fritz; Johnston, Sarah Iles
'A generous range of subject material is covered, the argument is
detailed and thorough, the authors' scholarship enables them to
tackle a variety of issues... exemplary clarity and precision... a
work teeming with good ideas, clear, and well structured.' - Bryn
Mawr Classical Review'Graf and Johnston have put togetheran
exciting study, one that will illuminate the shadowy darkness, not
just for the initiate, but also for the uninitiated venturing for
the first time into the world of the Bacchic gold tablets.' - Bryn
Mawr Classical Review
“This new edition is a most welcome and timely expansion of the
first edition… [with] notable improvements… Given the rate of new
archaeological discoveries, and the proliferation of research in
the area, such a judicious and up-to-date resource is very much
needed. This second edition will fill that gap, and prove to be
every bit as influential and valuable as the first edition.” -
J.R.C. Cousland, Bryn Mawr Classical Review "The new edition
represents a welcome advance, since the authors take into account a
number of recent developments in the scholarship of this rapidly
moving field with their characteristic thoughtfulness and
erudition." - Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Bryn Mawr CollegePraise for
the first edition:'A generous range of subject material is covered,
the argument is detailed and thorough, the authors' scholarship
enables them to tackle a variety of issues... exemplary clarity and
precision... a work teeming with good ideas, clear, and well
structured.' - Bryn Mawr Classical Review'Graf and Johnston have
put togetheran exciting study, one that will illuminate the shadowy
darkness, not just for the initiate, but also for the uninitiated
venturing for the first time into the world of the Bacchic gold
tablets.' - Bryn Mawr Classical Review
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