Experimental hip-hop and post-rock successfully come together on the wonderful All Tomorrow's Parties 1.0 compilation. Artists like the Sea and Cake, Yo la Tengo, and Tortoise take their unusual styles of music and create some excellent, funky tunes that either leave you scratching your head or wanting to dance. Broadcast's discordant "DDL" and the Black Heart Procession's eerie "Waterfront (The Sinking Road)" are two of the best tracks on the album, outshining even their better-known contemporaries. But it is Prefuse 73's "Shitslime Garbage Can Vs. My MPC" that steals the show with the most danceable audio collage since Meat Beat Manifesto's "I Control." For anyone interested in the future of experimental music (or even the possible future of hip-hop), this is an excellent place to start. ~ Bradley Torreano
Professional Reviews
Alternative Press (11/01, p.82) - 7 out of 10 - "...Strong throughout..."