The worship equivalent of Amy Grant, Minter can be a dead ringer at times for the CCM queen's lively folk-pop and effortless alto. On her debut EP, the Kingsway artist even seems to take inspiration from Grant's stage presence and confidence by letting the words do all the talking. Minter has a gift for making everyday praises sound unique and authentic. Her songwriting bears down on themes of hope and healing on tracks like the anthemic "We Will Not Go," as well as a live version of "How Deep the Father's Love for Us." Introducing Kelly Minter was released just months to her full-length debut Finer Day. The album's strengths lie in its poignant Hillsong-style worship ballads, such as the accordion-based riff of "Here Beneath the Cross" and the instantly memorable "Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above." ~ Jared Johnson