Help Desk - is a Restocking Fee?If you change your mind and wish to cancel or return an item from your order, a restocking fee of 17% of the price paid, with a minimum charge of $5 per item, will be applied. This restocking fee will be deducted from the amount to be refunded. Fishpond charges a restocking fee because when customers order an item, then decide to cancel it, that increases the costs of doing business - which means if w did not charge restocking fees we would have to increase prices for everyone. We don't think it is fair to penalise the vast majority of customers because a small minority cancel items because they changed their mind. However, if you have a genuine reason for cancelling your item, please contact us to explain your circumstances and we will review whether the fee should be charged. Can't find the answer to your question?Send us an email and we'll respond within 24 hours.